Trustee Lead

Title: Lead Trustee

Purpose: Lead the Trustees team in managing property, equipment and investments to support the mission, vision, and values of St. Luke’s

Responsible to: Executive Team and the community of St. Luke’s

Description of Duties: Lead the Trustees Team, including monthly meetings, being a focal point for issues involving the physical assets of St. Luke’s, and insuring that the physical assets are properly cared for. Attend quarterly Executive Meeting and Common Table gatherings.

Time Requirements: 2 to 3 hours per month for monthly Trustee meetings. Other time requirements depend on individual projects, which various Trustees volunteer for.

Term: 3yrs

Training and Resources: No training required. Former and current trustees are a valuable resource.

Skills and gifts: Most important is ability to work with other Trustees, staff, and other church members. Some ability to be able to fix things (eg, home repair) is helpful.

Benefits to one serving in this role: Will get a very detailed understanding of how the church works.

Revised:  January, 2014